Dreams For The Future

Animal person

Character Combination

Martin Luther KIng Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr was a great man. He was one of the reason why we don’t have any segregation today and that now everyone has the same opportunities as everyone else. If this world had never had a Martin Luther King than we would live in a world a lot more differently than we live in today.  For example we would still have segregated schools and restaurants and probablya lot more too. There would be a lot more racism than there is today and we probably wouldn’t have the friends that we have today if it wasn’t for him. Let’s thank Martin Luther King Jr for what he did for us and for standing up for us too so let’s give thanks for Martin Luther King Jr for being here.

London, England

London is a city located in England, United Kingdom. London is the largest city in the United Kingdom and the largest city in all of Europe. London is formed by two ancient cities City of London and City of Westminster. The currency in London and in the entire united kingdom is pound sterling. So one dollar here is 1.22 pounds over there and they always speak english but they have different words than us and they pronounce things differently over there too. One reason why I want to go London is because I want to see the Big Ben and take pictures and be there in real life. I also want to go on the giant ferris wheel that’s over there and go all the way to the top and see all of london from there. I also want to see how different things are there than over here and see how different their culture is from ours. The last reason is because I want to see the different types of foods that they have over there and see how it tastes and see if I like it over there than over here.


In the united States there has been a debate on whether we should legalize marijuana or not. Many people are saying that we shouldn’t legalize marijuana and they have some interesting facts as to why. One reason is because marijuana can affect the brain. Marijuana can affect the parts of the brain that play a role in our ability to remember, multitask, and pay attention.  Another reason is because it can cause immune system problems. Using marijuana a lot might make it harder for the body to fight off infections.

Twenty six states in the United States have already legalized marijuana and they also have some reason as to why the other states should legalize marijuana too. One reason is because there has never been a reported death with the leading cause being the use of marijuana. The other reason is because Marijuana is much safer than already legalized drugs.

In my opinion I don’t think that marijuana should be legalized because I’m not super comfortable with it. I also don’t want to walk down the street and smell the smell of marijuana every time I go out. I also don’t think it’s  a good idea to make it easier for people to get marijuana and then a lot of people are going to get high and sometimes those people can get aggressive and hurt other people. This is my opinion and I don’t know about anyone else but I for one don’t want it legalized.

School All Year Round

Some people believe that  we should have school all year round. There are some benefits to this for example it’s easier to schedule vacations because there will be more days off where people aren’t traveling so many travel prices will go down. Another reason why people believe in school all year round is students will become more advanced more quickly. Since there are more school days that means that students will spend more time studying and becoming smarter. The last reason is that it will cut down on brain drain, when kids are on summer vacation they tend to forget everything they learned during the school year and with school all year round that won’t happen as much with kids anymore.

Some people believe that we shouldn’t have school all year round.  Some of the reasons are that it raises the cost of electricity. Some people may say that there aren’t enough down time because there isn’t enough days in summer vacation. The last reason is that it would be hard to schedule things.

In my opinion I think that it would be a good idea to have school all year round. The reason why is because I  like the idea of having more frequent breaks.  I would also like to remember more of the things that I learned the previous than if we didn’t have school year round. The last reason is because it would be easier to plan more vacations.


Late Christmas